
Entry ranao
Part of speech noun
Regional synonyms ranao, ranaotra, rañaotse, rañaotsy, reninjanaky, renizanaky, zaobavy
Explanations in Malagasy Zaobavy [1.476]
Explanations in English  [Provincial] A word for zaobavy [1.2]

Entry ranao
Part of speech noun ra and pronoun
Explanations in English Your blood [3.1]
Explanations in French Ton sang, votre sang [3.1]
Examples Mba ra malagasy ihany anefa ny ranao, ry Ikotofetsy, ka dia sahy mandroso ny Malagasy mpiray tanindrazana aminao hopotehin' ny balan' ny mitrailleuses gouvernementales, toy izao! [2.285]

Updated on 2024/09/02